22 January, 2011

Blogs? Really?

Someone asked me today, "Who updates your blogs?" I said, "Really?" How about this question. "Who is reading the blogs?" So, I came to look and wow... no updates since March 2010.

So, Todd Zuccone, founder of EVOMS, launched our service program with Robert Boreham, had a 4 month summer tour, developed and launched new products, crashed a transport into a bridge, got a new transport and have done three TV shows this year and with John Bray the rest of the EVOMS team, continued pushing the 250mph goal for the 997.1TT which is not a 1500 HP monster named, "El Diablo".

Here are some pictures and videos. If you want to see more on the blogs, leave some comments.

Texas Mile, October 2010


Testing before Texas Mile


Battle of the Super Cars 2010 with Paul Tracy, Jr.


Lots more where this all comes from..

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