Check out just one of our runs at the track. Parvin will have more video this weekend! Ballpark figures are 10.666sec/137.1mph*
*This track is at 6000ft and track temps were at 92 degrees. Atmospheric conditions with the altitude density corrected puts altitude is 8500 feet.
Now, I'm off to the Airport and heading to MAXRPM Motorsports in Bremerton, WA for their annual event. Come and check it all out. This is one of the beasts expected at the event.

Here is some information about the event from Alex and MAXRPM!
Join me and Alex Raphael along with his team for a day of cars, engines, vendor demos, dyno tuning & testing, question & answer sessions, and good friends. Coffee and goodies and afternoon BBQ.
Featured Vendors:
- Evolution MotorSports will show their full product line as well as the new EVOMSit tuning software. An in depth demonstration will be provided to show before and after results from the tuning software.
- Todd Zuccone from EVOMS will showcase his company’s products and give a report on the new Texas Mile Speed Record set by EVOMS with a 996TT – 231.4 MPH!!!!
- Brembo has some new Porsche applications
- Bob Chmelka from Race Technologies
- Ben and his crew from Griot’s Garage will also be here to put on the full meal deal from paint prep to some new amazing products
- Alex is launching a new high performance lubrication company called LEVEL 1 – he will have some new sample products along with a demonstration
Bill Rogers
Now... Drive!!!